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Lost Cast Waxing

Lost wax casting is ancient technique that has been around for quite some time, (but then so have we!). Between us here at Nexgen we’ve over one hundred years collective experience under our belts. Fortunately the manufacturing process has advanced somewhat since it was first developed thousands of years ago, although the fundamentals of the lost wax casting process remain the same. 

We keep up to date with the latest technology, our vacuum induction casting machines are state of the art machinery which undoubtedly give exceptional results. We only use our own top quality casting grain to ensure your castings are produced to a consistent high quality and free from imperfections. If you have an issue the finish of your product we will gladly replace the item under our product guarantee. This sets us apart from many other casting companies that hold no responsibility or exchange for faulty castings. Your satisfaction and repeat custom is our number one priority.

Recycled silver

We are proud to use recycled silver casting grain, if you would like to talk to us about the origins of the silver that we cast with please get in touch.